Hundred Years of the Institutional Independence of the Astronomical Observatory
The conference "Hundred Years of the Institutional Independence of the Astronomical Observatory" will be held in Belgrade from June 27 to 28, 2024, in the library of Astronomical Observatory, Volgina ...
Read moreVI Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lensing
We cordially invite you to the VI Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lensing, which will ne held from June 2 to 6, 2024, on Zlatibor Mt. in Serbia.
This is the latest in the serie...
Read moreXIV Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference
Задовољство нам је да вас позовемо на XIV Српско-бугарску астрономску конференцију која ће се одржати у Врњачкој Бањи, у Србији, од 23. до 27. септембра 2024. године у хотелу Бреза.
Read moreHundred Years of the New Julian Calendar of Milutin Milanković
The Milutin Milanković Association, Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Belgrade, the Astronomical Observatory and the Cultural and ...
Read more20th Serbian Astronomical Conference (20th SAC)
We are pleased to invite you to participate at the XX Serbian Astronomical Conference (20th SAC) to be held at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, from 16th to 20th October 2023.The ...
Read more14th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics
Spectral lines, their widths, and, more generally, their shapes are powerful diagnostic tools for probing emitting/absorbing gas in different astrophysical objects, from the solar system to the most d...
Read moreV Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lensing
This conference, held from June 13 to 17, 2022 in Topola, Serbia, is the fifth in a series of meetings focused on the Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lensing. There will be seven review lectu...
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